Why Take a Retreat?

Modern life is full of noise and distraction

It's easy in the constant noise of obligations and distractions to lose sight of the things that make us truly happy. We become so consumed by the demands of work, family, and society that we forget to pause and listen to the whispers of our hearts.

Retreats help us realign with our own values

Retreats are a sacred time to journey inward and reconnect with the essence of who we truly are. During a retreat, we have the opportunity to peel back the layers of conditioning and societal expectations that have accumulated over the years. In the stillness of a retreat weekend , we can examine our beliefs, values, and desires with fresh eyes, free from the judgments and distractions of the outside world.

On a retreat, we may discover aspects of ourselves that have long been buried beneath the surface – our passions, our purpose, our authentic selves. By carving out time for solitude and self-discovery, we can make contact with the deepest parts of ourselves – the parts that are often overshadowed by the busyness of daily life. We can listen to the whispers of our intuition, the gentle nudges of our inner wisdom, guiding us towards a life that is aligned with our truest values.

How does a retreat work?

Retreats are an opportunity to cultivate practices that nurture us. Whether it's through meditation, journaling, or simply taking long walks in nature, we can create rituals that honor our inner journey and deepen our connection to our true selves.

In this way, retreats become not only a temporary escape from the world but a sacred pilgrimage towards self-discovery and self-love. Taking a retreat is not just about getting away from it all – it's about coming home to ourselves. It's about carving out the time and space to make contact with our true selves, to listen to the whispers of our hearts, and to honor the wisdom that resides within us.

How to choose a retreat that’s right for you

decide on a retreat topic

Personal passions can be the source of great joy. Some of us have experienced moments of tremendous bliss while playing music. Others have found spiritual connection through painting and drawing. Still others have tapped into deep awareness while practicing yoga and meditation. These are the activities you might consider pursuing in a retreat setting.

Look for teachers and retreat offerings

Ask a trusted friend who’s attended retreats on topics that interest you. Find out who leads retreats and what the activities are. Ask what the experience is like. Continue searching and asking. Your intuition about the right fit will come into focus over time.

Make A plan

Take the leap and book a retreat. When you allow yourself sufficient time and energy to engage in a personal passion, your joy can become expansive and even limitless. The practice that once lit a spark in you becomes spiritual play in its purest form. Your true nature comes forth and life grows richer.


Artist Interview: Scott Garder


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